How to play fantage 2019
How to play fantage 2019

Fantage Private Server! Players in the community are attempting to create a private Fantage server before Fantage closes on June 30. To celebrate the anniversary, we wanted to let you know that we've just released Fantage Single Player, an offline version of Fantage to play around in! It's completely free to play and great for enjoying. Today marks the second anniversary of Fantage's closure and we noticed that some of you have been wanting a Fantage Rewritten game. You can locate this by going to and clicking on the link below.Home Fantage 2 Fantage Single Player - Now Released! : Fantag You can enter fantage contests by the news and fun stuff page. and the Premium Member medal is rewarded to the people who are paying for membership Veteran medals are awarded to Fantagians who have been on fantage for a really long time. The beta medal was rewarded to people who beta tested fantage before launch. The gamer level is given to members who have come in the top 10 scores in any of the fantage games. Medals are given out to Fantagians who completed certain things. they were given the beta crown as a reward for helping test. You can buy clothing all over the place :) there are shops in downtown: le shop, stelar salon uptown: loco boards, jesters, ottomans beach: sun blockīeta testers tested fantage for bugs and errors before fantage was finished completely. Membership costs $5.95 Monthly, $29.95 for 6 months, and $54.95 for a year. To become a member you can join for free but to be a, full membership you need to pay real money. Member boards have Star Icons on the option to buy them. Their are several non member boards and member boards. You can buy many different boards at the Board Shop wich is located at Up Town Fantage. Hover boards are what allow you to get around Fantage.

how to play fantage 2019

When you want to leave the creature arena all you got to do is pull up your map and change rooms

how to play fantage 2019

When in the creature arena you can see other Fantagians who were transformed into creatures. To become a pet you need to go to the creature arena which is located at the creature area on your map. You can play several mini games to earn money known as StarS to buy clothes, boards and other accessories.Ĭreatures are small pets that you can buy that allow you to transform into any pet that you have bought in the past. On the game fantage you become an animated character (Fantagians) and you get to hover around Fantage using hoverboards. Hey welcome to Fantastic Age, where you can meet cool friends and have fun along the way.į is a Multiplayer Online Roll Playing Game (MPORPG) Created by the Fantage Inc. : currently under reconstruction and new management.

How to play fantage 2019